To Elie
A while ago (sorry, I can't find the link), Robert posted on his blog about how you know that a person is really your friend if they know how to stick with you through your troubles. I commented that I would often disappear when friends have hard times because I don't know how to deal with their emotions.
This time, however, that wasn't the case. I wasn't there for you, Elie, through your latest "grief milestones", not because of my inadequacies, but because of stupid technical difficulties. We still don't have internet at home and I rarely have access to it elsewhere. I haven't read any blogs regularly for the past two months, and I've barely updated my own. I'm out of touch with the blogging community. That's why I was so upset when I read a few of your latest posts about
finding Aaron's wallet before Pesach, about
the unveiling, and of course, the
final (?) installment of Aaron's story. I'm so sorry that I've been absent. I want you to know that I admire you so much for your ability to confront what's happened and your emotions, and to deal with it. You and Debbie are so strong and it brings me to tears to think of how you've suffered. I wish you all the best in the future, and many happy years together with your family.
PS, and I haven't forgotten about that meme you tagged me for - I'll get to it eventually.
Stubborn Characters
I'm writing a story, and I can't seem to get my characters to do what I want them to do. I can't make myself write the story that I had imagined. The protagonists say to me, "do you think we would really be that stupid, really make such idiotic decisions?!?" And I'm forced to wonder how I can write what I want, and still let them do what they want. Maybe it's just not meant to be that kind of story. Maybe I should realize that if I wouldn't behave that way, well, why would they?
....Or maybe I should just put them in their place.
Blog Etiquette.
I met somebody the other day whose blog I sometimes read... It's a weird situation because if somebody somehow figured out who I was and met me, and said, "gee, I've read your blog...", I might get a bit uncomfortable. It's like saying, "I've heard so much about you!" In fact, that's exactly what it is, and that, my friends, can be really awkward. So, before I even met this woman, I knew of her, and I realized that she was the author of her blog. Then, when I met her, I didn't know if I should say something or not. It's kind of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation - what if she doesn't want to know that I've read it? What if she would get upset that I didn't tell her that I had? What if she feels, "of all the blogs on all the servers in all the world, she had to walk into mine!"??? (okay, that was a pretty bad adaptation of a quote, but cut me some slack, I'm rushing.) So, for now, I've just not mentioned it. My husband pointed out that she probably doesn't mind people reading it, since people that she knows personally link to her, and she uses both hers and her husband's real name... which is how I realized who she is.
Which brings me to another point. My husband also said that he thinks I'm too up front about who I am. He thinks that it's silly of me to think that nobody realizes who I am, based on the few facts I've thrown out there. What do you all think?